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Toddler trick for putting jackets on!

Getting toddlers ready to go can take time, so every little thing a toddler can do themselves is very helpful. We learned this trick from a friend who said that all the toddlers in their daycare could put their jackets on by themselves! This was especially helpful during our snowy winters!

Toddler jacket trick:

DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONE REACHED: Your child can stand, reach their arms above their head

DURATION: 2-5 minutes


  • Jacket

It can be done in 4 easy steps:

  1. Lay the jacket on the floor with the inside of the jacket facing up.

  2. Position the toddler above the hood (or neck area if the jacket has no hood).

  3. Have the toddler put their arms inside the jacket arms.

  4. Once their arms are in, have them flip the jacket above their head!

After practicing just a few minutes each day, they'll have this trick down in no time! For younger toddlers, all you need to do is step 1, and they can do the rest. As they get older, they'll be able to do step 1 themselves too!

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