Teaching toddlers to play Chess
An easy and fun way to teach your kids how to play chess!
Jul 23, 20213 min read

Prepare Toddlers for Coding: Code-a-pillar Twist, Stage 3
Teach your toddler more advanced sequential patterns to help prepare them for coding later on!
Jun 13, 20215 min read

Teach toddlers spelling (and writing), Part 2: Sounds made by a combination of 2-3 letters
5-10 minute home learning activities to teach your toddler how to write and spell words with sounds made by a combination of 2-3 letters.
May 4, 20213 min read

Helping a toddler remember how to bike
How to quickly and easily help your toddler remember how to bike if they went a few months without biking using 5-10 minutes a day.
Apr 20, 20212 min read

How to teach reading quickly and easily to kids - even toddlers!
Jim Yang's Children Learning Reading Program had my toddlers reading at 3 years old by just using 5 minutes, 3 times a day of my time!
Apr 5, 20215 min read